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Mother Earth - A Living Organism

The Unconscious World of Dream
intuitive knowledge


(1) A bridge may symbolize any sort of transition in the dreamer's life. Freud gives the example of a woman who wants to be a man, and consequently dreams of bridges that don't quite reach the other side of the river. However, the symbolized change may be something that can be acheived more easily, but still possibly requiring will and determination; fot example, a change of lifestyle, or passing from middle years into old age.

(2) The bridge is a means of crossing a river, and even crossing from one country to another - foreign, new, strange - country. It may therefore symbolize a critical juncture in your life: for example, about whether you are going to be able to go through with a change from living on your own to living with a partner (or the reverse); from one job to another; from one set of values to another.

(3) It may represent the male sexual organ, which 'bridges the gap' between male and female sexual partners.

(4) It may also symbolize birth - that is, the crossing from 'the other world' to this, or from womb to an independent existence.

Reference: Eric Ackroyd
The spiritual path....is a psychological journey
Common Dream Symbols & Motifs
Autos Boats Bridge Buddha Bugs Chains Chase/Chased Child Cliff Clothes Conflict Colors
Dancing Death Devil Demons Drowning Dying Eagle Earth Earthquake Father Fighting
Fish Frog God Goddess Guilt Gun Hair Hands Head Horse House Insects Jesus
Ladders Monsters Moon Mother Nightmares Nudity Numbers People Rape Relationships
Rooms Sex Snake Sun Teeth Tornado Tree Urinating Violence Water Whale
Famous People
Dreams & Childhood Recollections
Dreams & Repression
Personal & Collective Unconscious
Do Dreams Predict the Future
introvert-extravert-thinking/feeling-sensing-intuitive-judging....Jung's Model of the Psyche

Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Supported by:
Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee    &     Gifford Fence Orlando