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Mother Earth - A Living Organism

The Unconscious World of Dream
intuitive knowledge


(1) By virtue of its sexual associations, dancing may represent a coming together - courtship - of the masculine (animus) and feminine (anima) side of one's nature. See anima - animus HERE

(2) Joining a dance probably means relating cooperatively with the other person or group. What does that person or group symbolize? It may be some part of you: your hidden self, with its mulitude of emotions, instinctive impulses, ideas, ideals, beliefs/prejudices, attitudes, ambitions, etc.

(3) Perhaps it is the 'dance of life'. Participating/not participating in the dance would then mean relating harmoniously with Nature (or your unconscious)/being out of step with it. (Dancing clumsily may signify that you are 'out of step'.)

(4) If the dance is a frenzied solo performance, it may represent some kind of 'possession', indicating that some psychic element (unconscious)is threatening to take you over. If this is the case, you need to identify the causes of any comulsive behaviour you observe in yourself; and then to come to terms with it - which will usually mean either making space in your life for some hitherto repressed part of you; or getting rid of (repressed)guilt-feelings; or both.

Dancing may be a sexual symbol, representing sexual intercourse.

Reference: Eric Ackroyd

The spiritual path....is a psychological journey
Common Dream Symbols & Motifs
Autos Boats Bridge Buddha Bugs Chains Chase/Chased Child Cliff Clothes Conflict Colors
Dancing Death Devil Demons Drowning Dying Eagle Earth Earthquake Father Fighting
Fish Frog God Goddess Guilt Gun Hair Hands Head Horse House Insects Jesus
Ladders Monsters Moon Mother Nightmares Nudity Numbers People Rape Relationships
Rooms Sex Snake Sun Teeth Tornado Tree Urinating Violence Water Whale
Famous People
Dreams & Childhood Recollections
Dreams & Repression
Personal & Collective Unconscious
Do Dreams Predict the Future
introvert-extravert-thinking/feeling-sensing-intuitive-judging....Jung's Model of the Psyche

Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Supported by:
Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee    &     Gifford Fence Orlando