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Mother Earth - A Living Organism

The Unconscious World of Dream
intuitive knowledge


Basic meaning: Verbalization; losing teeth, unable to understand a problem or situation.

(1) Teeth may be a symbol of aggressiveness. If the dream is showing someone bitting someone else, it may mean there is an aggressive nature towards that person.

(2) False teeth may symbolize insincerity.

(3) Losing teeth may symbolize a feeling of - or fear of - getting older or impotent or losing sexual attractiveness. Or they may represent a retreat to infancy (when, toothless, you enjoy your mother's breasts and nourishment), and hence a refusal to face reality. Alternatively, they may symbolize the start of a new phase in your life (knocking a tooth out sometimes featured in male initiation rites in mythology).

(4) A bad tooth may represent a painful or rooten part of one's feelings, life or relationships; angry or regretful words.

(5) "Teeth" in the dream world are most often an archetypal image of the dreamer's sense of confidence and competence in the waking world. Dreaming that there is something amiss with my teeth usually points to insecurities about my ability to "get my teeth into it," or maybe I've "bitten off more than I can chew." Ironically, the very fact that you remember such a dream is a reliable indicator that the you, the dreamer, can deal creatively and transformatively with the problems that life presents. If this were not the case, you would not even have remembered the dream. All dreams (even nightmares!) come in the service of health and wholeness, and no dream ever came to anyone to say, "Nyah, nyah--you've got these problems and you can't do anything about them!" The more emotionally charged, or urgent the dream, the more likely that it points to a creative possibility previously hidden from the conscious mind, in response to a pressing waking life problem.

Reference: Eric Ackroyd
The spiritual path....is a psychological journey
Common Dream Symbols & Motifs
Autos Boats Bridge Buddha Bugs Chains Chase/Chased Child Cliff Clothes Conflict Colors
Dancing Death Devil Demons Drowning Dying Eagle Earth Earthquake Father Fighting
Fish Frog God Goddess Guilt Gun Hair Hands Head Horse House Insects Jesus
Ladders Monsters Moon Mother Nightmares Nudity Numbers People Rape Relationships
Rooms Sex Snake Sun Teeth Tornado Tree Urinating Violence Water Whale
Famous People
Dreams & Childhood Recollections
Dreams & Repression
Personal & Collective Unconscious
Do Dreams Predict the Future
introvert-extravert-thinking/feeling-sensing-intuitive-judging....Jung's Model of the Psyche

Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Supported by:
Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee    &     Gifford Fence Orlando