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The Unconscious World of Dream


One - Unity, oneness (conscious and unconscious integrated).

(1) The number two may be a symbol for conflict: for example, between two parts of yourself (which may be represented in the dream by yourself - the dream ego - and an adversary, or by hostile brothers'sisters'twins).
(2) Two may also symbolize a union or partnership: for example, of conscious and unconscious or masculine and feminine elements in the psyche. Such union or partnership is always fruitful and creative. (In Indian philosophy one is an arid number; two - male and female - can create. A Hindu god is always represented as two-in-one, a union of male and female).

(1) The number three may symbolize completeness and fulfillment; or anything that may contribute to your personal fulfillment - for example, the resolving of conflict between two opposing psychic forces.
(2) Jung says three may signify that something is nearly but not quite complete; or that what is lacking in you can be supplied only by some part of your unconscious elf that you find too frightening to acknowledge and use (Even God, he says, is not quite complete without the Devil).

Four - Wholeness; the completely integrated human psyche.

Five - Five is a number for change (being the next number after four, five is starting over again).

(1) May be number for completeness.Six is a multiple of three (same as three).
(2) May symbolize conflict.

(1) Seven is also a number for completeness.
(2) The number seven may also sinal time for change - as in the 'seven year itch'.
(3) Sixes and sevens, of course may symbolize conflict.

(1) Eight has the same significance as four, of which it is a multiple: wholeness; the completely integrated human psyche.
(2) It also symbolizes infinity or eternity; or the endless cycle of death and rebirth.

Nine - The number nine is a symbol of completeness, may represent personal fulfillment (in Greek mythology the number nine symbolizes the Goddess, the highest personal fulfillment of the feminine psyche).

Ten - one and zero; the same as one.

All other numbers are either a multiple of numbers all rady listed, therefore, having the same meaning, or, can be added together to get a number already listed (example, 117 = nine).
Look at the personal significance of any number in a dream for its relationship.

The story of the crow determining the number of people entering and leaving a barn is a possible link to the orgin of numbers within the psyche of all of Nature's life. The crow (which the farmer wanted to get rid of and which had taken up residence in his barn) could recognize the number of people entering and leaving the barn and knew when all were gone and could re-enter the barn safely. He could do this upto the number of four people. After that, the fifth and beyond, he saw as 'many' and when five went into the barn and only four left, he could not determine beyond the number four, thus the fifth person did him in.
Tobias Dantzig - Number and the Language of Science

Reference: Eric Ackroyd

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