I cannot do without something which is greater than I,
which is my life--the power to create.
~Vincent Van Gogh
Carl Jung said we have five instincts: nurturance, activity, sex, reflection, and creativity. Sometimes our dreams contain images and activities suggesting how we feel about them or how well-developed they are in us.
In dreams, instincts are often symbolized by animals. The instinct for creativity might appear as a spider, which creates its own fibers for weaving marvelous webs, or some other animal noted for the marvelous things it creates, like a beaver or a silkworm. It might also appear as a special animal that has important significance to the dreamer, or as a fabulous or unique animal with a creative combination of characteristics that give it unusual power.
Dreams of real or mythical people known for their creativity, like artists, writers, or musicians, can also be about this instinct. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was the God of fire, the forge, craftsmen, sculptors and artisans. One of Apollo’s symbols was the lyre, and Athena, noted for her wisdom, was also known for her inventions and skill at weaving.
From Jean Raffa's Matrignosis
By sharing of oneself through the creative muse we are participating in a spiritual exercise.
Spiritual Growth & Creativity
Spiritual Growth is the result of expanding consciousness through awareness and acceptance of all aspects of one 'self'. Chief among the various aspects of the psyche is the greater 'Self' which is attainment of a balance of all aspects of the personality. Through spiritual growth, we come to new vistas of realization and deeper understandings about the nature of one self and reality. We come to see the reality of life after death, the creative and abiding power of the law of attraction and the inter-connectedness of everyone and everything that appears within our reality. The end result is a freedom to live life to its fullest, often intertwined with a creative aptitude that becomes the focus in living and gives meaning to life. Working with dreams is one aspect of achieving this position in life..
Further reading: Dreams & Mid-Life